lördag 26 december 2015


Jag har gjort två omgångar kristyrer innan jul. Första gången gjorde jag dem tillsammans med min son med tomtar och vanliga bokmärken och sedan gjorde jag dessa fina med änglar från Piondesigns 'Glistening season'

Jag stansade ut änglarna med en stjärndie och har också lagt på lite glitterlim. Jag gjorde också en variant med randigt papper klippt som en vimpel med mistelkvistar och guldstjärnor. Några fick också texten God Jul! 

söndag 20 december 2015

Layout for 7 Dots Studio

I have created this layout for a competition of 7 Dots Studio but I see that I missed the date for the challenge. I thought that today was the last day but it was actually last night. That was a stupid of me to miss it beucase I was actually almost finished with it yesterday. The criteria was to use 7 Dots paper and the criteria was vintage style...

The cardstock which is the background is called from a collection called Destination Unknown . The other papers are also from 7 Dots. Some arefrom the same collection. I have painted with watercolour on the background.The pictures are of my grandparents, Märta and Daniel. My mother think that they recently had got engaged when this photo was taken.

 I made some of the flowers myself which I pained so they would fit in with the color scheme

torsdag 10 december 2015

Ett namngivningsminne

Jag fick en beställning till en namngivningspresent. Eftersom jag själv känner mamman var det extra roligt att få göra denna gåva till Molly <3

I grunden är det en vit 'pappersbok' från Panduro som jag använt tidigare till ett bröllopsalbum till min kusin.Sedan har jag dekorerat dem med de underbara 'My precious daughter' från Pion design.

På insidan finns bilder på lilla Molly. Jag framkallade två bilder i sepia och de bilderna har jag också sandpapprat i kanterna för att skapa en ram som inte syns så bra på detta fotografi som tyvärr är lite suddigt.  Jag la till ett 'rosa bandet' rosett för jag vet att det betyder mycket för Mollys mamma!

tisdag 8 december 2015

Family Favourite

I  developed a lot of my Instagrampictures to paper a few weeks ago and it's so much fun to see them in 'real life'. I used one of this summers photos for this layout. I am entering it in Words & Painterys November challenge. The inspiration for colour was  black, silver and turqoise  and the motto, Live it, feel it , cling to it!

 This picture is from our summerhouse. It is located on a small island in the ocean (Gulf of botnia) that you only can reach by boat and here are we enjoying the homemade icecream at sunset at our own boatingdock. The background paper comes from Panduo hobby and is called Turqoise chevron. I really like it for the summer/ocean feel of it and what says summer more than icecream :-)

The tag comes from Heidi Swapp as well as the family sign, arrow and black and white heart. I cut  all the stars with a die and painted two  silver and embossed the middle one.

tisdag 1 december 2015

Merry Christmas Layout

I started to do this layout this saturday at a scrapevent here in town, but I wasn´t all that happy with it so I changed it a bit.(For the better I think :-))I´m entering it to Scrap Around the Worlds November Challenge .

I followed the scrapevents layout but I used the moodboard from Scrap around the world. It looks like this: 

This is my layout. I used a photo that I took last christmas of my Amaryllis. (Hippeastrum × hortorum, in latin) It´s a very popular christmasflower here in Sweden. I used cool blue papers to complement the photograph and to follow the moodboard.

The Backgroundcardstock comes from Pion Design Palette and  is called Blue IV.  I have also used the papers' Coming home', and both sides of 'Angels choir' from Pion Designs new collection 'Glistening season' 

 The tag says God Jul which is Merry Christmas in swedish.

My first photos very a bit dark so I took some new photos today (tuesday )with better light ouside in the snow!